join up
01. Member
From its inception, BEHHA has relied on interested people joining and supporting our organisation. Member fees are $5 and an Annual General Meeting is held every November. The AGM has typically been held at Revesby Workers Club on the second Monday in November. In 2020, members could also attend via Zoom.
02. Commitee Member
Members can also volunteer to become a member of the BEHHA Committee. The Committee sets the strategic direction for BEHHA and supports the full-time Manager who is responsible for operations at our four houses. BEHHA also engages a part-time Certified Practising Accountant who supports our financial operations. Committee meetings take place at 7pm on the second Monday every second month from January to September (5 ordinary meetings per year) with the AGM in November. Committee members usually have some links to people with disabilities or are involved in the education, health or disability sector but anyone who has a passion and interest in supporting people with disabilities is welcome to enquire about becoming a member of BEHHA and subsequently a member of the BEHHA Committee.